66 I Maven Income and Growth VCT 5 PLC
• to ensure appropriate, documented and regularly
updated due diligence processes are implemented
when appointing and reviewing service providers,
including reviewing the main contracts entered into
by the Company for such services;
• to ensure that the risk profile of the Company
corresponds to the size, portfolio structure and
investment strategies and objectives of the Company;
• to report to the Board on its conclusions and to make
recommendations in respect of any matters within its
remit including proposals for improvement in, or
changes to, the systems, processes and procedures
that are in place;
• to review and approve the statements to be included
in the Annual Report concerning risk management;
• to review and monitor the Manager’s responsiveness
to the findings and recommendations of its internal
control function;
• to meet with representatives of the Manager’s internal
control function at least once each year, to discuss any
issues arising; and
• to allow direct access to representatives of the
Manager’s internal control function.
The Committee reviews the Terms of Reference at least
once each year.
Activities of the Risk Committee
The Committee met four times during the year under
review. In addition to the Committee’s ordinary activities
in that period, the Committee carried out a full and
comprehensive review of the Company’s risk register.
This included a reassessment of the principal and
emerging risks facing the Company, with particular
emphasis on economic risks, such as the ongoing impact
of high inflation and interest rates, the ongoing
geopolitical unrest and the impact of the failure to
prevent an identified risk occurring, together with a
review of the control measures used to address the
identified risks. The Committee also took the
opportunity to ensure that the risk register adequately
addressed new legislative and regulatory changes.
Internal Control and Risk Management
The Directors have overall responsibility for the
Company’s system of internal control and risk
management and procedures, and for reviewing its
effectiveness. However, as the Directors have delegated
the investment management, company secretarial and
administrative functions of the Company to the Manager,
the Board considers that it is appropriate for the
Company’s internal controls to be monitored by the
Manager, rather than by the Company itself. The
principal responsibilities of the Committee include the
ongoing review of the effectiveness of the internal
control environment and the review of the risk
management systems that allow the Company to
identify, measure, manage and monitor all risks on a
continuous basis. The Directors have confirmed that
there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating
and managing the principal and emerging risks faced by
the Company, which has been in place up to the date of
approval of this Annual Report. This process is reviewed
regularly by the Board and accords with internal control
guidance issued by the FRC.
Through the Risk Committee, the Board reviews the
effectiveness, at least bi-annually, of the system of
internal control and, in particular, it has reviewed the
process for identifying and evaluating the principal and
emerging risks affecting the Company and the policies
and procedures by which these risks are managed. The
Directors have delegated the management of the
Company’s assets to the Manager and this embraces
implementation of the system of internal control,
including financial, operational and compliance controls
and risk management. Internal control systems are
monitored and supported by the compliance function of
the Manager, which undertakes periodic examination of
business processes, including compliance with the terms
of the Management and Administration Deed, and
ensures that recommendations to improve controls are
Risks are identified through the Company’s risk
management framework by each function within the
Manager’s activities. Risk is considered in the context of
the guidance issued by the FRC and includes financial,
regulatory, market, operational and reputational risk.
This helps the Manager’s risk model identify those
functions most appropriate for review.
Any errors or weaknesses identified are reported to the
Company and timetables are agreed for implementing
improvements to systems. The implementation of any
remedial action required is monitored and feedback
provided to the Committee.
The key components designed to provide effective
internal control for the year under review and up to the
date of this report are:
• the Manager prepares forecasts and management
accounts that allow the Board to assess the
Company’s activities and review its investment
• the Board and Manager have agreed clearly defined
investment criteria, specified levels of authority and
exposure limits. Reports on these areas, including
performance statistics and investment valuations, are
submitted regularly to the Board;
• the Manager’s evaluation procedure and financial
analysis of the companies concerned include detailed
appraisal and due diligence;